Unfortunately, due to the New Lynn RSA catering not commencing until 04 February, our 2025 SUMMER F.E.A.R. function has had to be delayed. 

As Thursday 06 February is Waitangi Day we have now scheduled our next F.E.A.R. function for 

Thursday 13 February 2025

Flight Engineer's Aircrew Reunions

When the F/E/O's scheduled monthly "BIG DAY OUT" that was planned for the first Thursday in 2013 inconveniently fell on the 3rd of January, Don Nicholson floated the idea of delaying this Flight Engineers only event until Thursday 10th January 2013 but also inviting all of the Air New Zealand pilots plus many other work colleagues we were in contact with via email.

Don Nicholson dubbed this inaugural get together event with Air New Zealand's aviators F.E.A.R.

Unexpectedly, this first FEAR function was such an outstanding success that the need for us to have lots more of them became very obvious.

After seeking opinions it was agreed that having a FEAR event twice a year, once in Summer and once in Winter would be ideal. (i.e. approximately every 180 days) 

The Thursday nearest to 25th June was selected for the first Winter function as this would also be the anniversary of the date that all Air New Zealand Flight Engineers were made redundant in 1999. 

Our scheduled Winter June 2013 event was postponed and replaced by...

our F.E.A.R. TRIBUTE and SEND OFF  for our recently departed friends …..Barry O’Connor, Spike Jones and Chris Giles. (Fortunately all three had attended our inaugural F.E.A.R. function on 10th January 2013)

Click here to view photos of this event >>> http://vimeo.com/68587039


Thursday 13th February 2025



11.30 a.m. till Nap Time


New Lynn R.S.A.

2 Veronica St.
New Lynn










Your “F.E.A.R. 180 Day Check” briefing will be carried out from 11.30 a.m.…




At every June F.E.A.R. function we will also commemorate the 
annual anniversary 
of the June 1999 
regrettable and 
untimely demise of 
Air New Zealand’s 
after their
60 illustrious years of  dedication and service to Aviation  


The date for our next 
    “F.E.A.R. 180 Day Check” 

Thursday 13th FEBRUARY 2025



Your “F.E.A.R. 180 Day Check” briefing will be carried out from 11.30 a.m.… 

New Lynn R.S.A.

2 Veronica St.
New Lynn

Beverages, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, plus good food will be available.

We believe that the continuing success of your F.E.A.R. ‘180 Day Check’ events is simply an outcome of a now tried and proven formula …..

· Laid back informality, camaraderie and mateship  

· Not having wives to look after, or pester us

· A leisurely occasion to enjoy an infrequent opportunity to get together and catch up with valued friends and colleagues (rather than when we get to congregate at funerals with limited time available)

· The New Lynn RSA  has become an ideal venue 
  No cost, spacious, comfortable, friendly and very handy to the New Lynn Transport Centre https://www.greaterauckland.org.nz/2010/10/23/new-lynn-transport-centre-photos/

· Have you considered utilising the FREE access to rail and/or bus transport to New Lynn that is available by using your 'SuperGold Card' to avoid the consequences of drink driving laws?

· No exorbitant parking costs or hassles with heaps of free parking across the street at LynnMall shopping centre

· Good food and inexpensive libations

· And most importantly, your ongoing persuasive advertising by ‘word of mouth’ to friends who may have not yet been able to attend a F.E.A.R. function.

Each of these factors has ensured ongoing positive growth in the numbers of old friends and colleagues who now look forward to attending our ‘180 Day Check’ F.E.A.R. functions.

If you live out of town and are contemplating a trip to Auckland, wouldn’t one of these events certainly be a great time to schedule a visit?

We have done the groundwork to organise your "F.E.A.R. 180 Day Check" invitations, venue, dates and time …..

The level of success of any future "F.E.A.R. 180 Day Check" functions is now dependent on your support?




To allow those of you who were unable to attend to share memories from our 27th June 2024 event

Dennis Webb has put together another ‘YOUTUBE’ video









A handy hint: To view these Youtube videos full screen on your smart TV simply subscribe to ‘Dennis Webb’  Youtube channel.

 To allow those of you who were unable to be there to share memories from this

22nd JUNE 2023 event

Dennis Webb has put together another ‘YOUTUBE’ video

CLICK HERE TO VIEW>> https://youtu.be/PyN4Y5kYXeM


To allow those of you who were unable to be there to share memories from this

24th June 2021 event


Dennis Webb has put together another ‘YOUTUBE’ video

CLICK HERE TO VIEW>>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBRacZaRMUI


To allow those of you who were unable to be there to share memories from this

21st January 2021 event


Dennis Webb has put together another ‘YOUTUBE’ video

CLICK HERE TO VIEW>> https://youtu.be/BJYoNGY3dr0


For those of you who were unable to attend this 23rd January 2020 event

Dennis Webb has put together this ‘YOUTUBE’ video

(with humble apologies for any spelling errors)

CLICK HERE TO VIEW>>https://youtu.be/Yq3DjcVGI7Y


Dennis Webb and Len Mills have put together these ‘YOUTUBE’ videos to allow those of you who were unable to attend this 20 June 2019 function to share some memories of the event.

CLICK HERE TO VIEW>> https://youtu.be/b6WwPbJqCQw

FEAR 20 year Anniversary (25th June 1999 - 20th June 2019)

CLICK HERE TO VIEW>> https://youtu.be/0JFHGUziQl0


We have produced this ‘YOUTUBE’ video to allow any of you who were unable to attend to share memories of this event.


Dennis Webb has put together another ‘YOUTUBE’ video to allow any of you 
who were unable to attend to share some memories of this event


View Dennis Webb's video from F.E.A.R. #11 Thursday 18.01.2018


View Dennis Webb's video from F.E.A.R. #10 Thursday 22.06.2017

View Ivy's iPad photos from F.E.A.R. #10 Thursday 22.06.2017


View Dennis Webb's video from F.E.A.R. 19.01.2017


View Dennis Webb's video from FEAR 23.06.2016



Dennis Webb's video from FEAR 21.01.2016

CLICK ON THIS LINK TO VIEW THE VIDEO>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb3S8EUBAUY&feature=youtu.be


Dennis Webb has posted this awesome photo slides and video film of our very successful 25th June 2015 FEAR Function. 

Click Here to view 

This Youtube video is best viewed in Wide Screen Mode 


Team photo.... F.E.A.R. 25.06.2015
(most of those who attended)


With too many of us having memory lapses
Name Tags Have Become Quite Essential
Please remember to wear your name tag


Flight Engineer's Aircrew Reunions

When the F/E/O's scheduled  monthly "BIG DAY OUT" for the first Thursday in 2013 inconveniently fell on the 3rd of January, Don Nicholson floated the idea of delaying this event until Thursday 10th January 2013. 

He also suggested extending an invitation to all of our Air New Zealand Pilot and Navigator friends from that bygone era when.....


You may recall that this was that bygone era when trays of Fried Chicken Legs were always an integral and essential part of our inflight diets....

Don Nicholson dubbed this inaugural get together of aviators 

(F.E.A.R.) Flight Engineer's Aircrew Reunion

With the assistance of Len Mills and the use of his extensive "ON-BLOX" Email addresses data base, a bunch of invitations were emailed to many of our Air New Zealand Pilot and Navigator friends and colleagues

>>>>>   http://on-blox.blogspot.co.nz/


The result is now history .....

Quite unexpectedly, more than 70 people turned up for this remarkably successful inaugural F.E.A.R.function. 

Fortunately Peter Grundy was able to record the event by way of these photos below using his iPad camera....

Who was there for this first F.E.A.R. event?

Alexander Grant
Amies Keith
Baker Noel
Boyce Alan
Baldock Arthur
Brister Max
Barker Dennis
Brooking Ken
Barker Jan
Brown Gerry
Blackwood Dave
Campbell Robin
Church Colin
Carr Errol
Cobb Bill
Dalziel Roger
Cunningham Dave
Douglas Fred
Edwards Ace
Eaton John
Fields Ken
Ewbank  Ted
Greenlees Dave
Forsyth Mal
Heares  Peter
Furniss Mike
Hewitt Mike
Giles Chris
Hickman Robin
Grundy Peter
Kirk Don
Hay Nev
Knell Dave
Hill John
Knox Warwick
Hill Len
Mills Len
Ingham Dick
Moselen Alan
Irvine Barrie
Nicholson Don
Jones Arthur "Spike"
Nimmo JoAnne
Lawson Alex
Nimmo Russell
Lloyd Graham
O'Connor Barry
MacFarlane Campbell
Oliff Don
McLeay Mike
Pollard Murray
Mitchell Barry
Pope Peter
Mulgrew Ken
Quin Greg
Russell Alastair
Reynolds Vern
Stubbs Derek
Rose Bud
Walker Barry
Roseingrave Dave
Walsh Keith
Rutherfurd Murray
Woolaston Joe
Sommerville Gary
Wright Gary
Strongman Dave
Thompson Gordon
Underwood Warwick
Webb Dennis
Webb Vivianne
Ex Cabin Crew in RED
Wood Graeme
Austin Geoff

Connors Tommy

Woods Terry


The future of..... F.E.A.R.


In an endeavour to capitalise on the outstanding success, camaraderie and the mateship that all enjoyed at our inaugural F.E.A.R. function (held on 10th January 2013) now is a most opportune time to introduce…..

These “F.E.A.R. 180 Day Checks” will differ considerably from what you may previously have become accustomed to.

Your next
 “F.E.A.R. 180 Day Check” will be carried out by a friendly peer group consisting of fellow Flight Engineers, Pilots and Navigators from the long departed era when.....


This was a golden age in aviation history, that bygone era when the invaluable safety factor and the legal requirement to have on-board technical knowledge and expertise provided by licensed professional FLIGHT ENGINEERS ensured that F/E/O's were essential and respected members of the Flight Crew team mandated for all long-haul airliner operations.

To pass your “F.E.A.R. 180 Day Check” it is intended that your current leisure activities, general health status and social demeanour will be checked and assessed by means of the many conversations you will get to have with numerous reprobate friends and colleagues who will be there.

By scheduling our mid-year F.E.A.R. function on the last Thursday in June does ensure that this annual event will occur on the Thursday nearest to the anniversary of the final demise of Air New Zealand's FLIGHT ENGINEERS which happened on 25th June 1999...


Our June 2013 event was postponed and replaced by...

our F.E.A.R. TRIBUTE and SEND OFF  for our recently departed friends …..Barry O’Connor, Spike Jones and Chris Giles. (Fortunately all three had attended our inaugural F.E.A.R. function on 10th January 2013)

Click here to view photos of this event >>> http://vimeo.com/68587039

You may also click here to view a YouTube version of photos taken at this event >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArrlrSlDIf8


Be sure to highlight these dates in your social diary!

From now on, the THIRD Thursday of January, and LAST Thursday of June will become the anniversary days for future“F.E.A.R. 180 Day Checks”

(Scheduling the January event for the THIRD Thursday of the month will ensure that the New Lynn RSA catering has recommenced after their Christmas break and will also avoid clashing with the retired Air New Zealand Pilot's monthly lunch function which is held at Mission Bay on the first Thursday of each month. 

Scheduling the June event for the LAST Thursday of the month avoids hassle with the NAC Pilot's mid winter Maurie Pirie luncheon group function, and puts the date closer to the annual anniversary of the 25th June 1999 demise of Air New Zealand's FLIGHT ENGINEERS) 

Be aware that you will be personally notified by Email with more details at a suitable date prior to each of our next “F.E.A.R. 180 Day Checks” event.


Your “F.E.A.R. 180 Day Check” briefings will be carried out from 11.30 a.m.…

New Lynn R.S.A.
2 Veronica St.
New Lynn

Drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, and good food will be readily available.

We believe that the success of future F.E.A.R. organized occasions should be assured as a result of this tried and proven formula …..

· Laid back informality, camaraderie and mateship  

· Not having wives to look after, or pester us

· A leisurely occasion to have an opportunity to get together and catch up with valued friends and colleagues (rather than with that limited time available when we get to gather at funerals)

· Good food and inexpensive libations

· New Lynn RSA is an ideal venue. No cost, spacious, comfortable and friendly

· No exorbitant parking costs or hassles

Avoid the irritation of drink driving laws by utilising the easy access to FREE public transport using your 'SuperGold Card'

· And most importantly, your persuasive feedback by ‘word of mouth’ to any of your friends who have not yet been able to attend a F.E.A.R. function.

Each of these factors should ensure positive growth in the numbers of old friends and colleagues who will want to attend future F.E.A.R. functions.

If you live out of town and are contemplating a trip to Auckland, wouldn’t one of these dates certainly be a great time to schedule a visit?

We have done the groundwork to organise your "F.E.A.R. 180 Day Check" invitations, venue, dates and time …..

The level of success of any future "F.E.A.R. 180 Day Check" functions is now dependent on your support?

